mandag 2. mai 2011

Arne Quinze

Arne Quinze was born in 1971 in Belgium and lives and works in Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium. In the eighties he began working as a graffiti artist, and the urge to express himself artistically dates from this period, but he never finished an official art education. Quinze creates large and small sculptures, draw- ings, paintings, and large-scale installations. Smaller works, sketches, and drawings are the basis and research for his large installations. Recurring fundamentals in his oeuvre are the use of multiple types of wood, including salvaged wood; electrical colors in fluorescent paint (yellow, orange, and black); and themes referring to social interaction, communication, rhythm, and the interplay of lines.

tirsdag 5. april 2011


Kokkugia is a progressive architecture and urban design practice exploring generative design methodologies developed from the complex self-organising behavior of biological,social and material systems. It is a networked practice, led by Roland Snooks and Robert Stuart-Smith, with offices in New York and London, operating through design, research and teaching. 

mandag 4. april 2011

Robotic Foam Swarf Cut

Robotic Foam Swarf Cut from matter design on Vimeo.

Michael Hansmeyer

Reaction-diffusion 1

This project continues the exploration of a procedural approach to generating form. Rather than work with surfaces as in the subdivision experiments, this project uses volumetric cells - voxels - as its basic geometry.


onsdag 5. januar 2011


We are pleased to announce the winners to the TEX-FAB REPEAT Digital Fabrication Competition. We received a total of 73 entries from across the globe representing 18 countries on 5 continents. The jury consisting of Patrik Schumacher, Marc Fornes, Lisa Iwamoto, Chris Lasch and Blair Satterfield conferred and decided that the winning project that will be built for the TEX-FAB Event in Houston in February 2011. Of all the entries the Jury selected 1 Winner, 4 Runners-Up and 7 Honorable Mentions which will be exhibited along side the winner. Advance to see the Winning Projects and Entries: Repeat Competition

Digital Crafting Network

Digital Crafting

The research network investigates how new digital production methods are instigating profound changes in the design and building of architecture. Developing the term digital crafting, the network examines how the maturing of interfaces between the design space of the architect and the production space of the manufacturer is leading to the shaping of a new material practice in architecture. The research network is supported by The Danish Council for Independent Research, Humanities.